GalleyChat Roundup, May 2023
Tuesday, May 9th, 2023Roundups of the May GalleyChat, held simultaneously on Twitter and Mastodon, are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter and Mastodon by #ewgc.
— EarlyWord GalleyChat, May, 2023 — link to a spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from comments, notes on debuts, diversity titles, and those mentioned for the first time, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.
— Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.
Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, June 1st, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).
The next LibraryReads deadline is June 1, for books publishing in July. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.