MOCKINGJAY Film Gearing Up

9781416972242The box office results for City of Bones were so poor that plans to film the sequel City of Ashes have turned into, well, ashes.

MockingjayMeanwhile, expectations for the Hunger Games sequel, Catching Fire are outpacing the original. Wall Street analysts project that the film, which opens Nov. 22, will bring in $400 million in profits  vs. $325 million from the original.

It’s no surprise, then, that  announcements of new cast members for the adaptation of the third and final book in the series, Mockingjay (Scholastic), have been coming fast and furious.

For those having trouble keeping up, Entertainment Weekly offers a quick rundown of the new, as well as returning, cast members (beginning with newcomer Julianne Moore as President Alma Coin). Mockingjay will be released in two parts. The first is scheduled to arrive in theaters in Nov., 2014, followed by the second the following year.

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