Extremely Loud and, Incredibly, Closer

The long-gestating film version of Jonathan Safron Foers Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is moving closer to reality. Warner Bros. announced this week that they signed up 13-year-old Jeopardy winner Thomas Horn to star as Oskar Schell. Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock will play his parents in the film directed by Stephen Daldry (who has some experience with book adaptations; he directed The Hours and The Reader). Producer Scott Rudin has been developing the project ever since the book was published in 2005, but as the movie news site Deadline stated, “it is not the easiest film adaptation.” Shooting is supposed to begin early next year.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Jonathan Safran Foer
Retail Price: $14.95
Paperback: 368 pages
Publisher: Mariner Books – (2006-04-04)
ISBN / EAN: 0618711651 / 9780618711659

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