September 7th, 2022 By: Nora Rawlinson
GalleyChat Roundup, Sept. 2022
Roundups of the September GalleyChat are below. To read the full chat, search Twitter by #ewgc.
— EarlyWord GalleyChat, Sept, 2022 — link to spreadsheet of the titles on Google Docs. Includes quotes from tweets, notes on debuts, diversity titles, those mentioned for the first time, a few titles not listed on Edelweiss, LibraryReads deadlines and DRC availability. NOTE: If you have any trouble downloading the spreadsheet, please let us know.
— Edelweiss catalog — includes covers, publisher marketing information, and links to Edelweiss DRCs.
Our next chat is scheduled for Thursday, October 6th, 4 to 5 pm ET (3:30 for virtual cocktails).Click here for the schedule of upcoming GalleyChats.
The next LibraryReads deadline is October 1, for books publishing in November. Please give special attention to our list of upcoming diversity titles.