December 2nd, 2013
Galley How-To
The following is from the LibraryReads FAQ for librarians:
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get advance copies of books?
Publishers distribute advance reading copies in both physical and digital formats, and there is a wide range of ways to get free early copies of the books that you’re excited to read. The list below features some of the more popular choices.
- Giveaways at conferences & shows: Visit publisher booths at BEA, ALA, and state library association shows
- Digital reading copies: don’t worry if you don’t travel! Edelweiss and NetGalley are fantastic online communities where publishers offer free advance copies to public librarians.
- Library Marketing departments: Many publishers have staff devoted to library outreach – these are great people to contact when there is a specific book you want. EarlyWord has an excellent list of marketing contacts and information here:
- Publishing newsletters and blogs: Reading copies are frequently offered via industry email newsletters and blogs (which have no subscription costs) – plus it’s a great way to stay on top of publishing trends.