Leaning Even Further In

Vanity Fair April 2013  NYT BR Cover 3/10/13

Taylor Swift may be on the cover of  the April issue of Vanity Fair, but  Sheryl Sandberg, author of Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead, (RH/Knopf; RH Audio; BOT) gets star treatment in the issue, profiled by celebrity author Michael Lewis, complete with photo by celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz. Her book is also featured on the cover of the NYT BR (in a review by Anne-Marie Slaughter, who has been portrayed as Sandberg’s chief critic. Their disagreement has even been characterized, in gratingly non-feminist terms, as a “cat fight.” In fact, the review is mostly positive and when critical, only mildly so).

She was featured on CBS 60 Minutes last night, followed today by NPR’s Morning Edition, three segments on ABC’s Good Morning America (one devoted to the controversy, the interview, and a”town hall” discussion coming tomorrow), and tonight on Nightline.

The book has been #1 on Amazon sales rankings since Friday.

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