Surprise, CLOUD ATLAS is Complicated

David Mitchell’s 2004 novel Cloud Atlas (RH/Doubelday) is so complex that many considered it unfilmable. Financing the film’s $100 million budget is also complex, as explored in by the New York Times on Monday. It’s described as an  “epic independent film too complicated, too expensive and perhaps too risky for any conventional studio to have backed.”

The film has three directors, two separate production crews and the actors play multiple roles. Halle Berry who plays both a Jewish woman in the 1930’s and an “old tribal woman,” admits it is confusing and adds, “It’s sort of like guerrilla filmmaking…Even though there seems like there’s a lot of money, it’s not opulent. All the money’s going into the screen.”

The ensemble cast also includes Tom Hanks, Hugh Grant, Susan Sarandon, Jim Sturgess and Hugo Weaving. IMDB lists the opening date as Oct. 26, 2012, but that is not confirmed elsewhere.

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