Big Media for Bruce Feiler

For his new book, Bruce Feiler turns from Biblical history (Walking the Bible, etc.) to a much more personal story; his “lost year” dealing with aggressive cancer treatments. Worrying about his daughter’s lives without him, he formed the “Council of Dads,” six men he asked to be there for his girls at key moments in their lives. Even Kirkus was moved.

The book will be getting heavy promotion leading up to its May 1 publication, beginning with the cover of USA Weekend this Sunday. Other major media hits will include a profile in People (4/23), interview on the Today Show (4/28) and Fox’s Glenn Beck Show (week of May 3) and a one-hour documentary on CNN on Father’s Day weekend.

The Council of Dads: My Daughters, My Illness, and the Men Who Could Be Me
Bruce Feiler
Retail Price: $22.99
Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: William Morrow – (2010-05-01)
ISBN / EAN: 0061778761 / 9780061778766

HarperAudio; UNABR; 9780061988493; $29.99
Will be available as an Adobe EPUB eBook from OverDrive.

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