June 20th, 2011
Newbery/Printz GalleyChat
You’ve grabbed galleys at ALA, now it’s time to discuss them with colleagues from across the country. Join us for the first EarlyWord Newbery/Printz GalleyChat, led by EarlyWord Kids Contributor, Lisa Von Drasek. Simply log on to Twitter on Tuesday, Aug. 9 from 4 to 5 p.m., Eastern, using the hashtag #ewnp (EarlyWord Newbery/Printz) to tell us which galleys you think are contenders for the awards. It’s a great way to expand your readers advisory skills and learn about new titles.
To join the EarlyWord Newbery/Printz GalleyChat:
- If you are not already on Twitter, set up an account.
- Put Tuesday, Aug. 9 at 4:00 Eastern on your calendar.
- Just before the discussion starts, log on to Twitter or whatever interface you prefer. (Tweetchat is good; it refreshes quickly and automatically loads your hashtag when you are in the discussion; be sure to sign in with Twitter at the upper right).
- To follow the discussion, enter #ewnp To post a comment to the discussion, make sure that you include hashtag #ewgc in each of your tweets (if you’re using Tweetchat, it will do that for you). It will also help if you write book titles in all caps, to make them stand out.Looking forward to seeing you!