Goosebumps: The Sequel

MV5BMjA1OTUzNTQ5Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODQ4NDkxNjE@._V1_SX214_AL_Get ready for another Goosebumps movie. The Hollywood Reporter writes that Sony is closing deals with the director and writer of the first Goosebumps movie with hopes that Jack Black will return to star.

Based on the bestselling book series by R.L. Stine, the first film was not a “massive hit” says the site, but “was a solid performer for the studio.” That seems to be enough to keep going with a long hoped-for franchise, so long hoped-for that even before the first film hit theaters in October 2015, sites such as Screen Rant were reporting on the sequel.

The Hollywood Reporter says the series took 18 years to adapt to film, making the sequel blindingly quick. The books were adapted for TV in the mid to late 90s and occasionally still run on streaming services.

9780545825474_6e526We posted two stories on the possible bump for the books, pointing out tie-in editions and the reissue of Classic Goosebumps (with the line “Now a Major Motion Picture” on the covers). Expect the same attention once this second film gets further along.

Also look out for Goosebumps: Most Wanted, another series reissuing the most “notorious, creepiest, ghouliest Goosebumps characters.” The most recent is Here Comes the Shaggedy (Goosebumps: Most Wanted #9), R.L. Stine (Scholastic, Feb. 2016).

Below is the preview from the first film:

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